HR Software is the mostly widely used software within every organization. PeopleQlik HR Payroll Software is an efficient software that is very easy to adopt and most efficient among all in the market. Usually organizations think that HR Software is nothing but wastage of money but PeopleQlik has changed that mind state. It is a very cost-effective software that is able to manage the leave data as well, for this PeopleQlik is offering Leave Management Software which is the integral part of HR Payroll Software .
- Attendance Monitoring
PeopleQlik’s Leave Management Software helps creating and managing the shift plans of the employees and keeping their complete attendance record as well.
- Payroll Management
When it comes to payroll, it is one the important task of the HR department. Payroll can be managed timely with this HR software.
- Employee Directory
You can now keep all the data under one platform with this software package. This data can later be accessed easily.
- Centralized Data
All the employees and their performance related data can be stored in PeopleQlik’s Performance Management Software . This data can help evaluate the employees’ performance.
- Easier Recruitment
One of the headache of HR department personnel is managing the complete life-cycle of recruiting new resources into the company. This task has been made easier with Recruitment Management Software .
- Employees Engagement
You can now evaluate the best performer of the company with Performance Management Software . Using this performance details, you can offer incentives on the basis of their performance.
Moreover, PeopleQlik’s Recruitment Management Software is offering the full featured applicant tracking and enhancing your recruiter productivity.