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Phone#: +61386585993


It never was simple for a human asset expert to track and deal with the employees while consenting to the organization’s policies utilizing old tools or method. Adding to the laborer comes the bulky assignment of dealing with each one of those requests often in the form of emails, telephone calls, text etc. coming in from employees. This is surely something that each Human Resource department confronts once a day.

Here’s how an automated HR Payroll software can streamline and simplify the business processes:

  • Error free Leave data

Doesn’t it Sounds great? If an HR can approve or reject leave requests with just a few clicks or swipes. It is much possible now a days. PeopleQlik’s Leave Management Software in Canada tracks automatically all the leaves of employees thus saving HR department from the burdensome task for admin to maintain it manually, which frequently eats up immense amount of time. Most essential of all, it offers the HR department with the truly necessary transparency, taking out errors and redundancies in payroll processing.

  • Fully Compliant:

Organization’s leave policy ensures full compliance as it automates the entire process thus, leaving no space for errors. PeopleQlik’s Performance Management Software in Canada fully compliant with your company’s leave policy which ensure to enhance the performance of employees by automated HR payroll processing.

  • Employee Availability at Your Fingertips

It is vital to find out about the availability of appropriate employee at any given time. PeopleQlik’s Recruitment Management Software in Canada addresses this concern effortlessly, it empowers the HR Managers to check the availability of employees from their smartphones.


PeopleQlik’s HR Payroll Software in Canada are most effective a handful motives as number of businesses are disposing of the old tools and methods for managing and adopting automated HR Payroll management solutions.

So now you know how a mechanized software can change the game of management for your HR, Now the time has come to make that huge jump!!

Request Free Demo:

Phone#: +61386585993
