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The administration of HR and the payroll of employees are connected critically, but they are still different disciplines. Organizations need solutions that combine the best functionality and HR processes with expert payroll administration. An integrated human resources management system allows human resources and payroll teams to have access to all the information using the same database. Although there are several benefits associated with the integration of Payroll Software , here are some of them.
Eliminate double data entry:
The process of exchange of information between human resources and payroll often involves several spreadsheets. The data collected by HR teams with respect to employees is usually a large part of the same information required by the payroll department. Therefore, there is a lot of unnecessary and excessive paperwork.
If the payroll is connected to the HR Software , the data can be easily shared between the software’s, without the need to enter double data. Since payroll software shares the same database that contains workforce information, when the human resources team enters something into the system, the payroll is automatically updated. Automatic update is a key benefit of this integration; It completely eliminates the general paperwork used in the organization. The integrated software reduces the amount of work for employees, as well as the margin of error.
Offers complete reports:
The data of the business increase day by day, it would be difficult to group the relevant data to take actionable ideas when using a different payroll system. Having all the data available in a single solution, the reports can use that information and verify it with other data, all to compile analyzes that can be used for improvements.
Companies need combined reports on employees and their compensation packages. These reports should contain more than the names of the employees and their corresponding payroll data. These types of consolidated reports can be easily generated with the help of the human resources payroll system integration.
Empower the workforce:
With an integrated human resources management system that has a self-service feature; employees can view their payroll information when necessary. The online system allows employees to verify accuracy and retrieve historical payroll data, all on the fly. Allowing employees to access their own payroll data can save time for HR teams while empowering employees.
Minimize compliance risks:
When a human resources system is used to generate payroll, this will automatically help to manage overtime, attendance records and taxes. The integrated system sends notifications automatically when any aspect of the payroll is in trouble because it does not comply, and also extracts the data required for the reports. This helps save time and possibly save money on fines that would have been applied for non-compliance.
An integrated platform promotes data security; the HRMS Software contains the most confidential information, from the compensation data to the social security numbers. By integrating these two systems into a highly secure human resources management platform, companies can significantly reduce the possibility of data breaches.
Features of Payroll Software :
- PeopleQlik Core
- Core HR Software – HRMS
- Cloud Payroll Management Software
- Employee Self Services
- HR Analytics Software
- Corporate Wellness Platform
- Talent Management Software
- Recruitment Management Software
- Applicant Management
- New Hire on Board
- Succession Planning
- Performance Management Software
- 360 degree feedback form
- Compensation Planning & Administration
- Social Recognition
- Talent Development
- Learning Management System
- Competency Management
- Training Management
- Workforce Administration
- Leave Management Software
- Time and Attendance Management Software
- Shift & Scheduling
- Claims & Reimbursements
- Timesheet Management Software