Inventory is the one of the most core important management process, which manages the supply, storage and their access at the time of shortage. It requires itself as a complete accounting procedure, which manages the items and data of the company, secures it and assures its security from error and possible corruption.

Inventory is the asset of the organization, its preservation is evident to keep track of the needs and shortage of the items. In case of a small number of item corruption and theft, it can sum up to a bigger loss within a year. The inconsistent management of inventory can lead to decreased productivity and poor customer relationship management. The inventory’s management is mandatory to track the availability of the storage, in case of shortage, accident or high demand order. Companies usually consider the role of inventory management less significant when the inventory and workforce are in small number.

The ERP software provides flexible approach to manage this information of accounts and all the data with accuracy and precision. The staff reduction is the other benefit of the inventory management through this accounting software, since the system regulates itself. Through ERP software, the effective management of inventory also leads to better distribution of the items.

Erpisto provides a range of features for inventory management, as:

  •         Serial number tracking of products.
  •         Expiry date tracking of products.
  •         Barcode printing and labelling.
  •         Tax coding.
  •         Physical counting of inventory.
  •         Price optimization
  •         Revenue management.
  •         Store and distributor’s analytics.
  •         Inventory management via mobile.

This accounting software provides all the management solutions for inventory, with maximized lucrative outcomes, the analysis and optimization of the resources. This ERP software particularly focuses to meet the industry demands from small to large scale enterprises as food and beverage industry.