Generally, Human Resources (HR) Department in any organization deals with the management of resources within the organization. This department has the major aim to fit the best resources that really benefits the organization in the long run. It is considered as a back bone within the structure of the organization. PeopleQlik is offering HR Payroll Software in San Marino to manage employee hiring, staff’s management, recruiting, salaries management and performance management.
PeopleQlik is basically a complete HR Software which has the complete set of software in it. It’s Performance Management Software in San Marino is used to evaluate the performance of the employees on daily, weekly or monthly basis. On the other hand, Recruitment Management Software in San Marino is designed to smoothen the complete recruitment process. Keeping the records of the leaves can be now possible with Leave Management Software in San Marino. Ranging from small-scale, medium sized to large-scale organizations, it is the most widely used software in San Marino region.
PeopleQlik’s HR Payroll Software in San Marino is composed of following sub-modules that enables a company to effectively identify, evaluate and select the suitable employees for the company.
- Payroll Management System
The top priority requirement of the HR is the management of the payrolls often considered on monthly basis. This is one of the most hectic and time-consuming task. PeopleQlik HR software can vigorously help your HR personnel to manage the complete payroll cycle.
- Employee Leave Management
It is always required to keep the leave records of all employees centralized. So in order to help the organizations regardless of their size, PeopleQlik Leave Management Software in San Marino will actively assist for the leave management.
- Over-Time Management
The employees who keep on doing their assigned tasks after the ending of their office hours daily have got the right to get the overtime which can be managed with this software. In order to keep an eye on the performance of the employees, PeopleQlik’s Performance Management Software in San Marino is worth to adopt.
On the other hand, recruitment process has now been made convenient with PeopleQlik Recruitment Management Software in San Marino.