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Proactive, consistent and continuous leave management is essential to ensure that leave provisions with an organization are adhered to as intended and that there are clear expectations in terms of availing leaves. Effective planning minimizes liabilities and risks. It also ensures that employees take leaves that they are entitled to, with consideration of the operational needs of the organization. It also helps avoid unnecessary disruption in work when employees are absent. All these tasks can be managed easily with the help of HR Software .
When leaves are not managed properly, it can impact the workplace in the following ways:
- It reduces productivity, operational success and work quality.
- It spreads poor morale and negativity in the workspace.
- Staff turnover is impacted badly.
- Interrupts in output – both in terms of time and quality.
- It also leads to poor fiscal health and inefficiencies.
So, what can you do about it? Employee leaves can be managed effectively through Attendance Software . Active planning and budgeting for leave replacements is a must. Providing cross skilling, training and development opportunities is essential to fill the temporary vacancies within the team – when some of the team members are absent. Workload monitoring also becomes a prime concern. Aligning leaves with work priorities is essential for every organization. Employees must also be made aware of work priorities.
In order to implement all of this, it is essential that a leave approval process is in place. It could be as simple as a first come – first approved, or something more complicated based on work load and staff requirements. Well, in order to manage all of this, it is also essential to ensure that the staff is encouraged to apply for leaves as early as possible. Using a clear leave schedule or time table could be an answer to all of this. It is a great idea to promote forward-planning of leaves preferably via an electronic leave calendar that displays operational demands. It will effectively encourage or discourage employees from taking leaves during certain periods that are critical for your business. It is also wise to consider alternative leave ideas such as the ability to work from home etc.
Well, there should also be policies in place to take action when any staff members take excess leaves and do not reduce them even after developing an agreed upon plan.
Leave management software
To integrate all this into one single solution, it is advisable to use a Leave Management Software . It automates the entire process and the employees do not have to go through too much of a hassle to apply for leaves and get approvals. It effectively keeps track of the many employees who request leaves and also helps redistribute the tasks. This software is completely automated and requires little intervention from the user. The requests are automatically forwarded to the managers and the balance leaves are automatically updated.